By: By: Lyndal Shadel, Potato Valley, PA.


My husband and I are blessed to live on a farm in a beautiful valley in central Pennsylvania, called Potato Valley. Our farm is in the woods, tucked away from the primary roads. This gives us the luxury of allowing our dogs, Wally, a Jack Russell terrier, and Charlie, a Border collie, to run free when we take our walks.


On one of my walks, surrounded by the Lord’s creation, it occurred to me that it seems easy to describe who I am by the world’s standards—but what about God’s standards? If someone asks me who I am, do I ever tell them that I am a child of God? Is my identity based on biblical truth?


Romans 8:15 “So you have not received a spirit that make you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.”