By: Jesse Deloe


In the life of almost everyone, there comes a time when one thing ends and something else begins. Life is full of ends and beginnings. While endings are many times sad and hard, it is very often true that good things cannot start until other things finish.

Spring can’t come until winter passes. Summer vacation doesn’t begin until school closes. Marriages occur when singleness ends. And, aren’t you glad that when a baby is born, a pregnancy concludes—including the pain of birth?

When you get the pink slip, and you’re laid off from your job, the end can be very difficult. You may fear it’s the end of a career. But, it may also open the door to a new career—a new beginning.

This true story illustrates the point; we’ll call the man Stan.

Stan had worked in an administrative office in higher education. As is sometimes the case in schools, decreasing enrollment and budget constraints created the need to reduce faculty and staff, so Stan lost his job. About that time, another administrative position seemed to be coming his way, but the opportunity was withdrawn. Unable to find work in higher education, Stan took a position on a church staff, and some might well argue that it was a step up, though it involved relocation.

Later, Stan was working in another administrative office, this time in a church-related organization, when the economy suffered a bit, and his job once again was cut from the budget. For all practical purposes it meant retirement, and for several months he worked in part-time positions, taking some training and learning required skills. Ultimately, Stan was given another administrative position to assist in revitalizing a struggling non-profit. Guess what? After several years, the dreaded budget cuts reared their ugly heads, and again Stan was let go.

Today, Stan is happily retired, but working in a freelance capacity and joyfully pursuing life after many endings and new beginnings.

Early on, someone told Stan, “Don’t fear; God has something better for you.” That’s a wonderful promise from the Bible, by the way, but what does that mean? A better job with a higher salary, a bigger home, advanced benefits, etc.? In reality, what Stan learned was that trusting God is the only way to have peace of mind and a sense of security, whatever the circumstances.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Fall road representing changing life seasons