We all know that life is busy. Priorities shift, and we often don’t make room for the most important things.


This has definitely been the case with me. In fact, this is the first blog post I have written since April. I have made more time for work, working out, traveling, family, summer fun, projects, and more—although even some of those things have not gotten the necessary time either. But I have done a horrible job of leaving some margins in my life, and have instead packed it full.


The one thing that I have not made time for at all is having that quiet time, in that quiet place, to just think, pray, read, and be still. A time to cut out all the noise and clutter, pick up the Bible, and just be.


This morning was the first time in months that I have done it. And even though it was short, it felt good.


If I don’t make time for that quiet place, how can I possibly fill myself with the peace and knowledge that will carry me though the busyness of life? How will I have the security of hope when the crap hits the fan? While I may have filled up other cisterns the last few months, I have left my reserve for peace and comfort empty to draw from.


I encourage you, now more then ever, to take ten minutes and make room for your quiet place. However little or much time you can give it, you need it. 


I know I do, and I am done failing at making room for it. It’s time to reprioritize to ensure that the most important things—the things that I need and that will have eternal impact—get done.


Keith Sampson

Executive Coordinator – God of Hope