Daily Stop & Thinks

June 23, 2016

Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. (Marianne Williamson, author and lecturer)

Children raised in a loving home learn very early what it is to be loved. They are constantly shown love in word and action. Children learn quickly to respond in loving words, too. As to fear, our experience might be different from Williamson’s. Little children express fear quite naturally, it seems, but the loving care of good parents will help to lessen that fear.

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe (Proverbs 29:25).

June 22, 2016

Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real. (Iris Murdoch, 20th century Irish author and philosopher)

Parents come to realize very quickly that their young children are very self-aware but seem almost completely unaware that anyone else really exists—except as a resource to provide for their needs and wants. It takes a measure of maturity to realize that others are important, and that realization may not be fully appreciated until you discover love.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law (Romans 13:8).

June 21, 2016

Delayed obedience is disobedience.

When he heard this axiom, a father said that he knew he had found a principle to use with his children. It’s a  notion that we all would do well to remember and pay attention to. Too often we think, “I’ll do it later”; but too often “later” never becomes the right time. Prompt obedience will please those we are responsible to, and it will give us a great sense of peace.

I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands (Psalm 119:60).

June 20, 2016

The more you practice, the luckier you get. (Ray Floyd, professional golfer)

Like any athlete, no doubt, Floyd has discovered the importance of practice. Is practice really related to luck? Some people think that “practice makes perfect.” In reality, of course, poor practice does not help a lot. In fact, in that case, too often  practice makes permanent. Be sure to practice but practice carefully and don’t trust in luck.

Be prepared in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2).

June 19, 2016

Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. (Winston Churchill, former British prime minister and author)

After diligent preparation and hard work, it’s sometimes difficult for a person who has achieved some worthy accomplishment to realize that such an effort is only one step forward. Success in one endeavor is not the end. There is always more to do. Likewise, if you don’t succeed in one area, again, it’s not the end. You must move on with courage.

[The Lord] holds success in store for the upright (Proverbs 2:7). Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong (1 Corinthians 16:13).

June 18, 2016

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. (Coco Chanel, 20th century French fashion designer)

Have you ever found it difficult to express your views in a lively discussion on, say, politics or religion? Do you feel intimidated by the intelligent and well-expressed opinions of others? In circumstances like that, it may be difficult to say what you think, but the courageous expression of what you believe to be true needs to be shared with others.

There is a time for everything . . . a time to be silent and a time to speak (Ecclesiastes 31, 7).

June 17, 2016

When you are offended at any man’s fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger. (Epictetus, 1st & 2nd century Greek Stoic philosopher)

When you see someone’s evil deeds and failings, does it make you angry? Perhaps it should. We ought to be angry when people are hurt by the hateful words and actions of others. But, such events should cause us to examine our own hearts and lives, too. Are we guilty, also, of hurting others, intentionally or accidently?

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. . . . Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? (Matthew 7:1, 3).

June 16, 2016

Books are like people in that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them. (Emma Thompson, British actress and writer)

Isn’t it strange how people turn up at unexpected times and you discover a relationship that you had forgotten? Similarly, you may suddenly recall a passage from a book you’ve read that is just what you need. This will be especially true if you memorize passages of the Bible. You will often find them coming to mind at just the time you need their truth.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11).

June 15, 2016

Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. (George Washington, 1st president of the United States)

In the confusion of this election year, we would do well to heed Washington’s advice. It’s often difficult to evaluate public statements offered by politicians when so much is at stake. We need not only to hear their words carefully but also to evaluate their personal history and experience. Past performance will reveal the nature of their integrity and character.

My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion. … Judgment wins favor. … Speak up and judge fairly (Proverbs 3:21; 13:15; 31:19)

June 14, 2016

The only way to have a friend is to be one. (Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century American essayist and poet)

Sometimes in our very active, fast-paced society it seems very difficult to find a friend—someone we can trust and share very private matters. Many people are looking in the wrong places, and end up with many acquaintances and Facebook friends, but no really close confidants. We should follow Emerson’s advice and be friendly, warm, and trustworthy.

A man who has friends must himself be friendly: but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).

June 13, 2016

Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him. (Wayne Dyer, self-help, best-selling author)

Dyer’s observation is worth thinking about. Too often we blame our failures or mistakes on “the circumstances.” Less frequently we credit our successes to “the circumstances.” In either case, outcomes are more the result of our hard work and effort or the lack of them. The circumstances merely provide opportunities to show who we really are what we value.

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people (Galatians 6:10).

June 12, 2016

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. (Benjamin Franklin, 18th century patriot, inventor, and writer)

Noted both for his wise counsel in political affairs and his practical wisdom as reflected in his writings, Franklin’s comment here is invaluable. Anyone who wants to enter into the political realm, the writing world, or the creative laboratory should heed his advice. We too often want to jump right into an intriguing adventure, but prior planning is essential.

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty (Proverbs 21:5).