Month: February 2014

We Have Power – Part 3

Skills We all have skills and talents; both natural abilities and learned ones. Some of us might be good at the same thing, but at different levels. Within a group of people that are good at the same thing, each may have other areas they are skilled in that others in...

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February 6, 2014

STOP AND THINK - No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the horizon of the spirit. (Inspiration Line) A pessimist may take comfort that when things go wrong, that’s pretty much what he expected....

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February 5, 2014

STOP AND THINK - What you need when circumstances puncture your fragile dikes and threaten to engulf your life with pain and confusion is a shelter. (paraphrased from Charles Swindoll, pastor and author) Swindoll defines the shelter as “a listener, someone who...

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February 4, 2014

STOP AND THINK - Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed. (Michael Pritchard, motivational speaker) Fear is often associated with darkness, isn’t it? As children, we were often afraid of the dark and wanted to have a light turned on in our bedroom....

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February 3, 2014

STOP AND THINK - If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. (Denis Waitley, writer, speaker, and productivity consultant) Having confidence in what you are doing is certainly a strong component of success. It may not...

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February 2, 2014

STOP AND THINK - A man's true character is revealed by his response to adversity. (Austin Hatch, young survivor of two plane crashes and brain injury.) Hatch, who lost his parents and two siblings in the crashes and had to learn to walk again, also said, “I don't...

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February 1, 2014

STOP AND THINK - The greatest killer in human life is not cancer. It’s not heart disease and it’s not war. In fact, it’s not anything you would ever suspect. It’s ingratitude. (T. M. Moore, author and conference speaker) Are you surprised? Is Moore saying that people...

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